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Group Leaders

Anna Paterova, PhD

Anna Paterova, PhD

Group Leader

Dr. Anna Paterova received her undergraduate degree in 2014 from Lomonosov Moscow State University. She later moved to Singapore to start a PhD with the support of the SIPGA A*STAR and SINGA A*STAR scholarships. From 2014 to 2018 Anna was doing joint PhD research related to quantum optics and interferometry in Data Storage Institute, A*STAR and Nanyang Technological University. She successfully defended her PhD degree in 2018 at Nanyang Technological University on the topic “IR metrology using visible light”. Since receiving her PhD, Anna has been a research scientist in the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering at A*STAR. Currently, her research interests focus on the field of quantum interferometry and its applications. Beside her research she loves playing volleyball and reading books in her spare time.

Ding Huang, PhD

Ding Huang, PhD

Emerging Group Leader

Ding is an experimental physicist interested in quantum science and engineering. His research aims at understanding and controlling the properties of quantum systems at small length scale. He joined IMRE A*STAR in 2021, where he is now exploring quantum devices based on 2D materials. Ding received his PhD from Princeton University in 2021. His PhD work focuses on the spectroscopy of atomic defects in diamond and coupling them to nanophotonic cavities for quantum network applications. Prior to that, he received his master and bachelor’s degrees from Imperial College London in 2014, where he graduated with First Class Honours. In his spare time, he likes to hike, ski and play video games.

Victor Leong Xu Heng, PhD

Victor Leong Xu Heng, PhD

Group Leader

Dr. Victor Leong studied Natural Sciences (Physics) at the University of Cambridge. He obtained his PhD from the National University of Singapore, working on single atom - single photon interactions at the Centre for Quantum Technologies. He has since worked in A*STAR, focusing on quantum photonics and quantum sensing technologies. He is a recipient of the A*STAR National Science Scholarship and the A*STAR Graduate Scholarship. He is fond of music (but is rubbish at making any), and is convinced that cat videos are the true purpose of the Internet.

Chit Siong (Aaron) Lau, PhD

Chit Siong (Aaron) Lau, PhD

Emerging Group Leader

Aaron is an experimental quantum scientist who engineers and studies next-generation materials and devices to understand the physics of low-dimensional systems. He graduated from the National University of Singapore in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science (Physics), first class honours, before receiving the A*STAR Graduate Scholarship to pursue his PhD at the University of Oxford. There, he frequented the Department of Materials and the Royal Oak Pub where he worked on quantum transport through single-molecule electronics. Having enjoyed his fill of Doom Bars, puntings and discussing about the weather, he successfully defended his thesis and returned to A*STAR IMRE in 2017, where he now works on atomically thin materials for quantum applications. In his spare time, he reads and partakes in the following subjects and activities: low-dimensional material and device physics, quantum technology, travelling, gardening, cycling and most sports involving teams chasing after a ball.

Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, PhD

Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, PhD

Senior Group Leader

Kuan Eng Johnson Goh is Director of the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Division which is home to the QTE department, and Principal Scientist at IMRE A*STAR (Singapore). Trained as a Physicist (VUW, New Zealand), Engineer (Sheffield, UK), and Educator (NIE/NTU, Singapore), he went on to obtain his Ph.D. in 2007 from the Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computer Technology at the University of New South Wales (Sydney). He joined A*STAR in 2006 and contributed to materials science and engineering research ranging from atomic-scale 3D printing with silicon atoms, to highly conductive thermoplastics for 3D printable electronics, to 2D semiconductors and to quantum devices. His current endeavor is to meld his multidisciplinary research expertise in quantum information technologies, nanoelectronics, machine learning, and additive manufacturing towards disruptive quantum technologies.

Wong Pei Yu Calvin, PhD

Wong Pei Yu Calvin, PhD

Emerging Group Leader

Calvin is currently a Research Scientist and Deputy Head at the Quantum Technologies for Engineering (QTE) Department of  the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR where he is pursuing research in quantum materials and related fields. He obtained his B.Appl.Sc (Applied Chemistry) in 2013 and PhD (Integrative Sciences and Engineering) with a focus on Physics in 2018 at the National University of Singapore. He is well versed in the fabrication and electrical measurements of 2D material-based and Silicon-based devices and the characterization of these materials using a scanning tunneling microscope, where he pokes at atoms using a very sharp stick to make them tell their story. He hopes to synergize his advanced characterization techniques with quantum devices to better understand these materials to improve device performances.

Current members

Abhishek Mishra, PhD


Abhishek is a material-device enthusiast with background in semiconductor device characterization, simulation and fabrication. His research interests include material-device co-design for next generation semiconductor devices, and solving the reliability-performance conundrum involved. He did his PhD at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (2019), investigating operational reliability of graphene and MWCNT-based devices. He was also involved in CVD growth of graphene, which helped him appreciate the role of materials in dictating functionality, performance and reliability of the devices. Previously, he was a part of research team at Center for Device Thermography and Reliability, University of Bristol, UK, where he explored ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor based devices using various characterization techniques, and was also involved in designing heterostructures to improve reliability and performance of the devices. He spends his leisure time enjoying audio books and podcasts. He is always available for long walks/hikes and brainstorming devices over a cup of coffee.


Aswin Alexander, PhD


Dr. Aswin Alexander graduated with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Engineering Physics from the National Institute of Technology Calicut, India. He completed his PhD in 2021 from the National University of Singapore under the supervision of Prof. Ji Wei. His PhD thesis focused on nonlinear optical characterization of metal-organic hybrid microcrystals. His current research interests include fabrication and characterization of nonlinear optical devices for quantum metrology. In his spare time, he enjoys playing almost any outdoor sport, especially cricket and badminton. He also tries to find time for watching movies, reading, and exploring new places.

Dasari Venkatakrishnarao (Krishna), PhD


Dasari is an experimental scientist who works on 2D dielectric metal oxides for 2D TMD devices by liquid metal printing or transfer process. He was awarded the doctorate from the University of Hyderabad, India (2018) in the field of nano-photonics, where he synthesizes molecules to generate lasing. While pursuing his studies, he was selected to participate in the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meetings held in Lindau, Germany (2017). He moved to Singapore for his first post-doctoral studies to work on molecular electronics at the Centre for Advanced 2D materials (CA2DM), the National University of Singapore, where he worked on liquid metals to probe as a top electrode for smooth contact for molecular junctions. Later, he was awarded by the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS-2021) and moved to Japan to investigate the self-assembly process of organic molecules for lasing and device applications. In the middle of 2022, he joined IMRE, A* STAR, Singapore, where he is working on the fabrication of high k-dielectric metal oxides and their integration into 2D semiconductors for Qubit applications. In his free time, he is into cooking, playing cricket, watching movies, and jogging. 

Dmitry Kalashnikov, PhD


Dr. Dmitry Kalashnikov received his Master and Ph.D. degrees in 2006 and 2009, respectively, from Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (former Kazan State University), Russian Federation. Since 2009 he has been working in A*STAR as research scientist in Data Storage Institute (2009) and Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (2018). His areas of research are quantum optics and photonics, single photon emitters, and integrated optics. Currently he is focused on the interfacing of single photon emitters from 2D materials with photonic structures on chip. His hobbies are reading history and science-fiction books, playing football, cooking nice food, and brewing beer.

Fu Wei, PhD


Fu Wei is a material scientist in QTE@IMRE-A*STAR. After graduating from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with PhD degree in Applied Chemistry, he joined Prof Liu Zheng’s group in MSE@NTU, as a research staff working on controllable growth of novel atomic 2D materials by chemical vapor deposition technique in the period of 2014 to 2016. After that, he came to NUS, working in Prof LOH Kian Ping’s team in 2016-2020, and in Prof Barbaros’s team in 2020-2021, and his research mainly focused on wafer-scale epitaxial growth of smart 2D atomic layers for fundamental scientific research as well as for industry-targeted applications. Currently, he is working on the development of new advanced material growth techniques for the scalable production of high quality 2D atomic single crystals for quantum information applications.


Jae Hyun Kwon, PhD


Jae Hyun is an experimentalist in physics. To get his career trained as a scientist, he first pursued M.S. at the University of Science and Technology of KIST campus, South Korea (2008). For a master’s degree, he studied spin polarized transport by spin-orbit interaction in a 2-DEG quantum well. Then, he moved to Singapore, and graduated with Ph.D. at the National University of Singapore (2013). During a doctorate and post-doctorate, his research was focused on spintronics including magnetization/spin dynamics such as spin wave, ferromagnetic resonance, and spin-orbit torque. Before joining A*STAR, he had been working on TD for 22nm spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) in GlobalFoundries (2016-2023). Currently, his research interest is spin-valley coupled physics, and quantum transport/electron transport in low-dimensional materials for developing qubit and quantum device. He believes that quantum-based applications will bring mankind a revolutionary breakthrough against crises being faced at present. In spare time, he enjoys playing soccer and cooking.  

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Junyi Lee, PhD


Dr. Junyi Lee received his B.A. in physics from the University of Chicago in 2012 and went on to pursue his Ph.D. in physics at Princeton University under the tutelage of Professor Michael Romalis. During his time at Princeton, Junyi worked on a project he affectionately named the Spin-Mass Interaction Limiting Experiment (SMILE), which improved the best laboratory limits of the (hypothetical) axion’s anomalous coupling to nucleons by an order of magnitude over two decades of axion mass range using a K-3He co-magnetometer and two slabs of 250 kg Pb weights. Junyi is currently interested in applying spin-squeezing techniques to improve the sensitivity per unit volume of scalar atomic magnetometers operating in geomagnetic fields, and he is also separately leading an effort to harness quantum computing for the optimization of non-linear optical elements. In his spare time, Junyi enjoys being out in the mountains hiking, camping, or skiing – assuming he gets there without misplacing his car keys first!

Koh Zhi Yong, BSc


Zhi Yong graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Physics (First Class Honours), with a focus in nanophysics. During his undergraduate, he was part of the NUS Special Programme in Science, where he had the opportunity to undertake a research project investigating the mechanism behind the fluorescence degradation of the 2D tungsten disulfide. In his 2020 internship with DSO National Laboratories, he explored the world of photonics where he worked on the design of fibre optics combiners. For his Final Year Project, he delved into the field of laser material processing where he performed band-gap engineering using lasers on hybrid nanostructured semiconductors to control and tune their optoelectronic properties. With a strong desire to gain expertise and pursue his research interests in quantum materials for quantum computing hardware, he joined A*STAR IMRE in 2023. Here at QMD, he is currently working on the possibility of using 2D materials in superconducting qubits, in the hopes of realising the next-generation quantum processors. Outside of work, he enjoyed reading science fiction, working out, going on hikes and playing games

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Muhd Danial, BSc


Danial received his B.Sc (2017) from Nanyang Technological University in Applied Physics. He did his bachelor’s thesis and internship at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, where he worked on technical studies of high field magnets for next generation particle accelerators. He joined the Institute of Bioengineering and Bio-imaging (IBB), A*STAR in 2019 where he worked on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) research applications in the field of Neuroscience. He is currently a research specialist at QTE working on atomic magnetometers. His research interests include applied superconductivity and atomic magnetometry. He is convinced that there is a soundtrack to every activity and listens to too much music. He also enjoys watching football but enjoys playing it more.


Tanmoy Chakraborty, PhD


Tanmoy Chakraborty pursued his Ph.D. in physics from IISER-Kolkata, India. During his Ph.D., he experimentally investigated quantum correlations and magnetic field-induced quantum level crossing in spin ½ quantum magnets. After finishing his Ph.D. in 2015, Tanmoy joined TU Dortmund (with Prof. Dieter Suter) as a postdoc where his projects dealt with engineering the states of a quantum register associated with a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center and performing spectroscopic characterization of NVs to test their quantum sensing efficiencies. He continued working on NV and other defect centers in the diamond during his subsequent postdocs in Stockholm University, Sweden, and Hasselt University, Belgium. Tanmoy joined QuTech - TU Delft, Netherlands in February 2020 as a postdoc (With Prof. Wolfgang Tittel and in a collaborative project with Prof. Ronald Hanson). In QuTech he worked on the experimental implementation of a frequency multiplexed quantum repeater scheme and a hybrid quantum network scheme. He joined QTE in January, 2023 and currently he is working on Michelson interferometry-based quantum sensing and imaging.
His hobbies include travelling, hiking, playing badminton and table tennis (still a beginner though!) and watching football!

Thathsara D. Maddumapatabandi, PhD


Thathsara joined Quantum Technologies for Engineering (QTE) Department of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR as a scientist in 2022 where her research focuses on 2D material growth and photoelectron spectroscopy characterization for 2D materials-based quantum devices. She received B.Sc. (Hons) special degree in Chemistry from Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2013, and she obtained her PhD in Physical Chemistry from Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of South Carolina in 2019. Her PhD work  focused on surface science and synthesis and reactions of model catalysts, nanomaterials, and catalyst characterization using ultra high vacuum surface science characterization techniques. Before starting at A*STAR, she worked as a Senior Lecturer at Sri Lanka Technological Campus. Apart from her research, she enjoys photography, hiking, travelling, cooking, and baking as interests and hobbies.

Zhang Yiyu, PhD


Zhang Yiyu is an experimental scientist interested in semiconductor science and engineering. His research interest is exploring the application of semiconductor electronics in quantum engineering. After graduating from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China with PhD degree (2019), Yiyu joined EEE, NTU as a research fellow working on printable electronics and optoelectronics development based on theIII-V and wide bandgap semiconductors (2019-2022). He joined IMRE A*STAR in 2022, where he is now developing the cryogenic amplify system for quantum information processing. In his spare time, he likes to play tennis and video games.

Anirudh Raghav, MSc


Anirudh Raghav graduated with a MSc in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Nanoelectronics from the National University of Singapore in 2020. After graduation, he worked at the Centre for Ion Beam Applications (CIBA) for 14 months, under Prof. Jeroen Anton Van Kan where he was involved in setting up a 150 kV ion implanter and designing a low current measurement circuit (in the range of 1 fA). Anirudh joined A*STAR on Oct 2022 and his current research is in integrated single photon avalanche detectors (SPAD). His current research interest is in quantum electrodynamics (matter-light interactions). Anirudh has an aptitude for observing human psychology and the lectures of philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti has made a profound impact on him. His hobbies are watching field hockey, cricket, and reading books.

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Cleaven Chia, PhD


Dr. Cleaven Chia graduated with a BSc in Physics with Theoretical Physics from Imperial College London in 2014, and a PhD in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 2021. During his PhD, he worked under the supervision of Prof. Marko Lončar to develop a coherent spin-phonon interface between localized phonon modes in phononic crystals and spins within silicon vacancy centres in diamond. Cleaven's current research interests lie in developing hybrid quantum systems and quantum sensors that interface photons, phonons, and spins. He also has experience with Lumerical FDTD and COMSOL simulations, diamond nanofabrication, and fibre optical characterization. Outside of research, Cleaven follows Formula 1 and football (supporting Manchester United FC), and is also a fan of the band Muse.

Di Zhu, PhD


Dr. Di Zhu received his Ph.D. (2019) and M.Sc. (2017) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and B.Eng. (2013) from Nanyang Technological University, all in Electrical Engineering. From 2019 to 2021, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. His Ph.D. thesis with Prof. Karl Berggren focused on superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, and postdoc research with Prof. Marko Lončar centered around thin-film lithium niobate photonics. He was a recipient of Harvard Quantum Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship, A*STAR National Science Scholarship, and MIT Jin-Au Kong thesis award. His current research interests include integrated quantum photonics, applied superconductivity, and nanoscale electromagnetics. Outside of research, Di enjoys reading and hiking.

Fabio Bussolotti, PhD


Fabio Bussolotti is an experimental physicist expert in photoelectron spectroscopy for materials analysis. After completing his PhD in Physics at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy  (2006) he was  awarded international fellowship by the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (2007) and moved to Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Asahidai, Japan) to investigate the electronic properties of organic single crystals and thin films by electron diffraction and angular resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) techniques. He expanded these studies as GCOE (Global Center of Excellence) research associate at the Department of Nanomaterial Science in Chiba University, Japan (2009-2014) and at Institute of Molecular Science at Okazaki, Japan (2015). In 2016 he moved to IMRE, A*STAR, Singapore where is in charge of Spin-ARPES system for the study of atomically thin materials for quantum-based applications. In the spare time, he likes running, eating, reading, travelling and watching movies.

Ivan Verzhbitskiy, PhD


Dr Ivan Verzhbitskiy received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from Saint Petersburg State University, and completed his Ph.D. at the University of Angers (CNRS, France), in 2011. Later, he was appointed a postdoctoral associate position at the Free University of Berlin, where he studied electronic and optical properties of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and graphene nanoribbons. He then moved to the National University of Singapore as a Senior Research Fellow in 2013 and later joined the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (A*STAR) in Singapore. His main research interests are focused on the electronic and optical properties of quantum materials and their application to quantum logic hardware.

John Wellington, PhD


John Wellington is working in QTE, IMRE as Scientist I from July 2022. He received his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 2022. His PhD work focuses on Infrared detectors based on Group-IV semiconductor nanostructures and its heterojunction with Layered materials. In A*STAR, he works on topological qubits based on 2D materials. He is also working on the quantification of interface defects between 2D materials and High-K dielectrics. In his free time, he listens to music, play cricket and football.

Kee Qian Ling, B.Eng


Qian Ling graduated from the Engineering Science Programme at the National University of Singapore in 2022, where she received her B.Eng with First Class Honours. In her past life, she was designing antennas for CubeSats. After joining research, she has since worked on the electroless deposition of FeCo thin films on graphene and explored using 2D materials for 5G applications. Her research work at QMD involves fabricating 2D material-based devices and electrical measurements. She hopes to continue developing herself through further studies in the field of quantum transport. In her free time, she enjoys chilling with friends and family, rock climbing, travelling to obscure places, and all things adventurous.

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Lee Cheow Siong Rainer


Prior to joining IMRE, Rainer was a process engineer at SERIS developing and fabricating P-type solar cells after graduation with a Bachelor from NTU’s School of Materials Science & Engineering. Moving forward, he will be contributing to the research in quantum materials through the development of fabrication process recipes for 2-dimensional (2D) semiconductors, topological insulators and conventional semiconductors among others.

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Sarthak Das, PhD


Sarthak hails from West Bengal, India and is currently working as a Scientist-I with the QTE family in IMRE, A*Star since January 2022. He completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Kalyani Government Engineering College and Jadavpur University, respectively, in 2014 and 2016 before pursuing his PhD at the Indian Institute of Science. During his doctoral studies, he gained extensive experience in spectroscopic analysis of the optical properties of layered materials, exploring the interplay between light and matter, and investigating the effects of many-body interactions in the realm of quantum dimensions, with a particular focus on semiconducting TMD materials. Currently, at QTE, he is applying his prior research experience to the realization of qubit operations with low-dimensional materials, working in tandem with his research team. When he is not immersed in research, he likes to follow politics, listens to music, or spend time in theatres to enjoy the latest movies. He has a keen interest in travel, and he relishes the chance to sit and observe the hustle and bustle of Singapore's city life from the quaint corners of various cafés, amongst the throngs of strangers from all walks of life.

Tao Wang, PhD


Dr. Tao Wang received his Ph.D. and B.Sc. from Beihang University where he worked on ultrahigh sensitivity spin-exchange relaxation-free (SERF) magnetometry for his graduate studies. From 2016 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Dmitry Budker at UC Berkeley. His research at UC Berkeley focused on optical magnetometry and its applications in dark matter detection, developing a customized atomic magnetometer for a NASA project, and beyond-standard-quantum-limit precessing ferromagnetic magnetometers and gyroscopes. From 2019 to 2022, he was a postdoctoral research associate with Prof. Michael Romalis at Princeton University where he worked on developing a precise vector geomagnetic atomic magnetometer for a DARPA project. He joined A*STAR in Mar. 2022 and his current research interests include: 1) Optical magnetometry, and its applications in biomedical imaging, magnetic anomaly detection, and fundamental physics, etc., 2) Precessing ferromagnetic quantum sensors. In his spare time, he likes learning about world religious history, ancient Chinese history, and playing table tennis.

Thomas Produit, PhD


Dr. Thomas Produit received his Bachelor (2015) and Master degree (2017) from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. He later moved to the University of Geneva (Switzerland) to do his PhD in the framework of the European project "Laser Lightning Rod". The aim of this project was to use a high average and high peak power ultrashort laser to guide and/or trigger natural lightning discharges. In 2022, he moved to Singapore now works as a research scientist at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR. His current research interests focus on the field of quantum interferometry and its applications. Beside his research Thomas loves playing Tchoukball and travelling the world.

Past members

Prithvi Gundlapalli, Bsc


Mr. Prithvi Gundlapalli graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Specialisation in Quantum Technologies from the National University of Singapore in 2020 and plans to start his PhD in 2022. He has done various research attachments and his bachelor's thesis at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR, where he worked on quantum sensing with nitrogen vacancy centers in diamonds. He is currently a research specialist at the Institute where he is working on chip-based single photon detectors. His research interests are mainly in quantum sensing and in developing its practical applications. His hobbies include DJing, cycling, and playing with the numerous stray cats around his area, as well as convincing people that cats are better than dogs.

Yiding Lin, PhD


Dr. Yiding Lin received his Ph.D. (2019), M.Eng. (2015), and B.Eng. (Hons, 2011), all from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In 2018, he was a visiting student in the Electronic Materials Research Group (Prof. Lionel C. Kimerling & Dr. Jurgen Michel) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2019, he was interviewed by Optica (formerly OSA) for his Ph.D. research on strained Ge photodetectors. From 2019-2021, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Joyce Poon at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Halle (Saale), Germany). He joined A*STAR in Dec 2021 for the research and development of visible-light integrated single photon detectors and systems. His current research interests lie in integrated photonics at visible, near- and short-wave-infrared wavelengths, especially integrated group-IV (Si, Ge(Sn)) photodetectors. He was a recipient of SMART Graduate Fellowship (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) and was one of the valedictorians of NTU Convocation 2020. In his spare time, he likes playing soccer, travelling, reading, and spending time with family.


Yau Yong Sean


Sean is a mechanical engineer by training, who worked in R&D with a focus on product and mechanism design. He is experienced with prototyping, additive manufacturing as well as various fabrication processes. In 2010, he stumbled into the world of quantum at the Centre for Quantum Technologies in National University of Singapore (CQT, NUS) where he helped built a quantum light source housed in a CubeSat that was successfully launched and operated in space. In his recent endeavour, he supported the pioneers of topological qubits development at Microsoft Quantum Material lab in Copenhagen, Denmark. There he designed and integrated UHV and cryogenics systems for material research and growth. Apart from work, Sean participates in cycling, swimming and hiking, dragging his mischievous children along.  

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